Årets Greyhound 2017

155 p
BIS Int.Nord.AD.Ch.NV’17 Jet`s Just Be Man About It Charlotte Johansen
247 p
SBIS Int.Nord.UK.Ch.WW-10NW-11’12NORDW’10 Jet's Signed Sealed'n DeliveredLise Olesen
342 p
Int.Nord. Fin.Ch. DKJV-13 NJV-13 SJV-13 DKV-14 EUW-15 WW-15 KBHV-15 NV’15’17 Azravi's Double JoyBeathe Schultz
441 p
Nord.Ch. EuJW’15 Sobers XantiaPernilla Holm
539 p
SBIS Nord.Ch Jet's Just The Way U AreEspen Engh & Åge Gjetnes
632 p
NORD. CH. DKV-16 Jet's Something In The MoonlightBrit Schøne Brodwall
730 p
BIS SBIS-W Int.Nord.Eng.Am.Ch.NW-16 Jet's Man In The MoonStepanka Horakova
730 p
BIS SBIS-W Int.Nord.Eng.Ch Jet's Moonlight SerenadeEspen Engh, Åge Gjetnes & Pauline Oliver
829 p
NJW’16 Estet Classic LioraNina Solberg
927 p
BIS-W N.Fin.UCh. NJW-15 KBHJW-15 Bundessieger-16 NW-16 Azravi's Play Hide'n SeekSiv-Hilde & Patrick Oware
1026 p
Int.Nord.Ch.NW-14.NordW-14 Jet's Take It SeriousBritt Helen Waldum